Give Every Soul Access
Support Accessibility
Join us as we strive to Give Every Soul Access. Your generous contribution will help create accessible environments in Churches and Private Schools where every soul is valued, and those who serve are empowered. Let's make a difference together — donate today and help us reach our goal! Your support makes possible:
Kids Teens, and Adults Find True Fellowship and Belonging in Church and Can Better Access Their Faith and Formation
Empowering Those Serving to Develop Skills in Welcoming and Accommodating
Digestible & Accessible Training for Those Serving to Feel Energized Without Overwhelm
Lives Are Changed - Those Serving and Those Being Served
Ready-Made Resources, Tools, and Curriculum Provided to Churches and Private Schools to Instantly Adapt to Any Need
Sensory, Physically, and Relationally Accessible Worship and Faith Formation Spaces
An Increase in the Quantity of Ministry and School Attendees AND the Quality of Faith Formation
Capacitación y recursos para organizaciones religiosas
Mejorando las Prácticas Inclusivas y Equitativas para Personas con Diversas Habilidades y Necesidades
We strive to make the Gospel message accessible to all. We energize faith spaces to better support the people in their church or school community in practical ways. We provide volunteer training, disability support for ministry, church accessibility, private school resources, and disability accessibility in faith spaces. We honor every person as a part of the faith community, especially those with Disabilities, Neurodiversity, and Mental Health Needs.
Providing a Sense of Belonging for People with Disabilities, Neurodiversity, and Mental Health Needs
Online Training Subscriptions
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Loads of Resources for Instant Application in Your Ministry or School
Direct Support from Our Team
Scholar + Coaching
Full Access to Our Training Library PLUS Coaching Sessions!
Loads of Resources for Instant Application in Your Ministry or School
Direct Support from Our Team
¡Estamos muy agradecidos de tenerte como parte de nuestra misión! Las donaciones brindan acceso a los clérigos, el personal y los voluntarios a recursos y materiales de capacitación y promueven un ministerio más inclusivo y equitativo. Cada centavo que recibe Witness to Dignity se destina directamente al avance de la misión y la visión. Somos un 501 (c) (3) aprobado por el gobierno federal y su donación es deducible de impuestos. Si desea donar, haga clic en el enlace seguro.